Tuesday, April 19, 2011


from Today's Daily Word:

I celebrate the light of God within me and everyone.

The Bible story of God's people securing their freedom from bondage in Egypt reflects my own road to freedom from limiting ideas. In the past, I may have held limiting thoughts about myself and the world. Just as the Hebrew people followed the light of God and celebrated their new life, I celebrate mine.
With an awareness of God's light, I view my life unfolding just as it should. Every success and even seeming missteps are celebrated. Inspired by the light of God, I celebrate my ability to learn, grow and conceive new thoughts and ideas, which will enable me to be a blessing to myself, my family and all humanity.
Photo by Bruce Barone.


If you want events in your life documented or are looking for distinctive nature, portrait or wedding photography--photography with soul that inspires you
to live a more artful and beautiful life,


  1. Loved it when I discovered, "It's safe to let go."

    It is.

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  2. Sometimes I wish I could. If only it were that easy. The picture is anyway really inspiring.
    If anything it seems to represent a strong but misterious God though.

  3. Amen!
    Let God continue to lift us from our burden & bondage~


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